Losing a loved one, ep. 2
Published on the 10 of March 2024
Hey bro,
Managed to finish the site (for now). I implemented the following features:
- Liking functionality on blog posts
- subscribing to this blog
- unsubscribing from this blog
- a minimal layout
- an introduction
- page for all my socials
- transfered over other blog posts I already had somewhere else
That’s about it, I think.
Might not appear like much, if so, I did my best. Last few weeks have been hard on me, stressful in more ways than just your death. Although you leaving us made everything worse and better at the same time. I realised (again), where my priorities should lie, how I want to live my life.
Realising that, the memories of you, and everything else most people will never be able to understand, is why you will forever be with me, just like the people I care for. Forever there, forever in my heart
Eventhough, I know you are in a better place and everything is probably much better there, just really want to tell you,
I miss you.
ps (post script): I won't write about him for a while (I think), don't want to bore you to death :)