Make it make sense
Published on the 17 of June 2023
I try to be present as much as possible, but sometimes, the past catches up. Every so often, you get buried under 100m of dirt and feel like you are unable to breath. As if time has folded in on itself, merging past, present and future into an inescapable labyrinth.
I never feel like wanting to take drugs as an escape from this overwhelming feeling, although sometimes I seriously consider it. Or wonder what a little buzz could do, would it actually make your feel good? Or is it just temporary bliss, an illusory sanctuary, after which the real world comes crashing back in, striking you with lightning on the way down, leaving you more shattered than ever before. Who wouldn’t want to escape daily life, even if it was for a bit? Escapism however, might not be the answer to anything, since its a mere deceptive siren’s call that drowns out the symphony of life, leaving one adrift in a sea of illusions. It is however oh, so tempting, and I can truly empathize with those whom fall for it!
But here’s the deal dude, life ain’t meant to be escaped, it’s meant to be lived. So why is everyone working for vacations, a temporary pause of the every day life? Everyone I know, is working towards a longer vacation, instead of living life. Too worried and caught up in capitalism. We are chasing after those vacations, dreaming of sandy beaches and icy cocktails, hoping that those precious moments will somehow make up for the monotony of everyday life. It’s messed up how we’ve been conditioned to believe that our existence is all about escapin’ the very thing we are living.
We, as in we the people, are fucked. Everyone who doesn’t own a major company, even the petty bourgeoisie, we all are majorly fucked.